SOLIDWORKS PDM Client 20XX SPXX Установка не может быть продолжена.На компьютере отсутствует следующее необходимое условие: ODBC Driver 17.


от автора


The computer is missing the
following prerequisite: ODBC Driver 17


SOLIDWORKS PDM Client 20XX SPXX Installation Cannot Continue.The computer is missing the
following prerequisite: ODBC Driver 17

Please wait while Windows configures SOLDWORKS PDM Client
2024 SP0.1

left-click any folder in my File Explorer it shows a message which says Please wait while Windows configures SOLIDWORKS PDM. Then it pops up another window saying that the function you are trying to use is in a CD-ROM or other removable disk that is not available. Insert the “SOLIDWORKS PDM Client” disk and click OK. Even if I click on Cancel, this process keeps repeating in an endless loop every time I restart my computer or left-click anything on the File Explorer.


Шаг 1
Скачайте последнюю версию DeepUninstaller с официального сайта и войдите в систему.
Ссылка на скачивание:

Шаг 2
Нажмите на кнопку "Удалитьвыберите SolidWorks и версию, затем нажмите кнопку Начало Cleanup.

You can restart the computer and install SolidWorks in a new installation directory.


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