“The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.


“The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.

Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the

installation package ‘solidworks.msi’ in the box below”.


Step 1
Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.
Download link: deepuninstaller.com

Step 2
Click on “Uninstall,” select SolidWorks and the version, then click Start Cleanup.

You can restart the computer and install SolidWorks in a new installation directory.


মন্তব্য করুন

আপনার ই-মেইল এ্যাড্রেস প্রকাশিত হবে না। * চিহ্নিত বিষয়গুলো আবশ্যক।