The Installation Manager failed to register sldshellutils14u.dll or sldShellUtilsExtu.dll


“C:\WINDOWS\system32iregswr32exe”/s “C:\Program
FilesiCommon FilesSOLlDWORKS SharedsldShellUtilsExtu.dll” 0x5

“C:\Wndows\system32vegsvr32.exe”/s “C:\Program
Files\Common Ales\SOLiDwoRks Shared\sdshellutls14u.dll”

This error is typically caused by insufficient permissions during installation, which may be due to a virus or interference from antivirus software. 0x5

Step 1

Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.
Download link:

Step 2

Use antivirus software to scan for viruses, then uninstall all antivirus software.

If the error persists during installation, use DeepUninstaller:
• Navigate to the “Extensions” feature.
Failed to repair or register xxx.dll using.

After the repair, proceed with the installation.
Note: If the installation is successful, remember to return and click the repair button again.


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