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Error 1923,Service DTSInterops(CoordinatorServiceHost) could notbe installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges toinstall system services.
Issue: Error 1923,Service DTSInterops(CoordinatorServiceHost) could notbe installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges toinstall system services. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Uninstall,” select SolidWorks and the version, then click Start Cleanup. You can restart the computer and install SolidWorks in…
Service Bonjour(Bonjour Service) could notbe installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges toinstall system services.
Issue: Service Bonjour(Bonjour Service) could notbe installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges toinstall system services. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Uninstall,” select SolidWorks and the version, then click Start Cleanup. You can restart the computer and install SolidWorks in…
The Installation Manager encountered an error when creating thisregistry key:.
Issue: The Installation Manager encountered an error when creating thisregistry key:. You must have administrative permisslon when running theInstallation Manager, check the permissions for this registry keyusing a registry editor or consult the system administrator. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on…
Error 1606, “Could not access network location”
Issue: Error 1606, “Could not access network location” Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Extensions,” then click “Start” next to “Error Code 1606”
The executable file “E:\PreReqs\VCRedist\vcredist_x64.exe” /q:a /c:”msiexec /i vcredist.msi REBOOT=ReallySuppress /q” did not install succesfully.
Issue: The executable file “E:\PreReqs\VCRedist\vcredist_x64.exe” /q:a /c:”msiexec /i vcredist.msi REBOOT=ReallySuppress /q” did not install succesfully. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Extensions,” then click “Start” next to “Uninstall C++ Runtime Library”
SOLlDWORKS database “swbrowser,sldedb”is missing. Thiswill affect functionality for Hole Wizard, Hole series.Advanced Hole, and FeatureWorks, Verify database locationin Options> System Options > Hole Wizard/Toolbox > HoleWizard and Toolbox folder.
Issue: SOLlDWORKS database “swbrowser,sldedb”is missing. Thiswill affect functionality for Hole Wizard, Hole series.Advanced Hole, and FeatureWorks, Verify database locationin Options> System Options > Hole Wizard/Toolbox > HoleWizard and Toolbox folder. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Extensions,” then click “Start” next…
SolidWorks file thumbnails are not displaying.
Issue: SolidWorks file thumbnails are not displaying. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Extensions,” then click “Start” next to “SolidWorks Thumbnail Repair”
SolidWorks crashes unexpectedly.
Issue: SolidWorks crashes unexpectedly. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Extensions,” then click “Start” next to “Solidworks crashes on startup”
A newer version of this application is already installed. Installationstopped.
Issue: A newer version of this application is already installed. Installationstopped.If the installation fails, contact Technical Support.If you continue, you may encounter further errors. if you contactTechnical Support, be prepared to provide the installation log filesavailable in this directory. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link:…
“VBE6EXT.OLB’ could not be loaded.
Issue: “VBE6EXT.OLB’ could not be loaded. Solution: Step 1Download the latest version of DeepUninstaller from the official website and log in.Download link: Step 2Click on “Extensions,” then click “Start” next to “Uninstall VBA”